
IGNANT’s Copenhagen City Guide – IGNANT


There are many reasons as to why Copenhagen is such a desirable city. From its walkable and bikeable compact size—thanks to its revolutionary urban planning scheme led by renowned architect and city planner Jan Gehl—to its pristinely clean harbor waters, iconic art galleries, and mix of royal history and architectural pearls. Originally a Viking fishing village in the 10th century, the site became the capital of Denmark in the early 15th century, and quickly consolidated itself as the cultural and economic center of Scandinavia. Despite its often harsh weather, today’s Copenhagen is a city of infinite pleasure; perhaps because it has perfected a sound work-life balance and the concept of ‘Hygge’, a mood regarding comfortability that cannot be translated to one single word in English. In the guide that follows, we’ve composed a list of our favorite locations for you to visit for each of the five IGNANT Travel categories: Eat, Sleep, Shop, Art, and Culture. Narrowing them down was effortful, considering the city is brimming with venues filled with wonder and delight—so here are our top picks: come with a curiosity for experience, stay for the cultural marvels.


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Written by viralbandit

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