
Incredible And Futuristic Bookstore-Themed Shopping Mall In China

Undergoing a cultural renaissance, the city of Xi’an, China, is home to a new bookstore-themed commercial complex designed by Lafonce Maxone and intervened by Gonverge Interior Design for the interiors. The project offers a lifestyle and an educational experience with multiple business models through its ‘culture and commerce’ design strategy. The 18m-high and 240m-long artistic book walls in the building are striking and pioneering, brining a new model for urban commercial space to the city.

More: Gonverge Interior Design (ch) h/t: designboom

Based on the long, narrow site oriented in the south-north direction and the four-storey-high illuminated atrium, Gonverge Interior Design carried out project orientation planning as well as commercial and spatial design by appealing to all the senses.

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Written by viralbandit

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