
Japanese Artist & Illustrator Sakyu Creates Yōkai Monsters from Modern Objects and Phenomena


Japanese artist and illustrator Sakyu has a fertile creativeness when it comes to yōkai. Shelling out homage to the creative model and the visible conventions of yōkai woodblock prints, she enjoys building fully new yōkai primarily based on present day objects and phenomena.

By way of the clever design and style, concept, and naming of the yōkai to the innovative use of the restricted coloration palette to make striking compositions, Sakyu makes perceptive and imagined-provoking works updating yōkai to the Reiwa Period.

Yōkai 妖怪 are supernatural entities and spirits from Japanese folklore. Deeply tied to the Japanese animistic perception that spirits inhabit all issues, regardless of whether dwelling or not, yōkai can just take on humanoid capabilities, animal functions or the plague-fighting, just lately revived thanks to the pandemic, and even inanimate objects this sort of as resources.

A lot more: Twitter h/t: grapee

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