
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon


Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon

Japanese photographer ‘7’ tends to focus their lens on some of the beautiful night photography locations available in the Kanagawa and Tokyo area. While the talented photographer’s work features shots that are usually breathtaking enough on their own, this time they were given a surprising natural enhancement by this past weekend’s Typhoon Chan-hom.

More: Twitter, Instagram h/t: grapee

Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon

Tokyo Station and its restored areas are designated as a national cultural property, and its red brick exterior and the 3-domed Renaissance architecture designed by Kingo Tatsuno gives the busy terminal a regal presence. szna__ captures the palace-like station at the perfect time, with its nighttime outer illumination and reflection in the typhoon’s downpour creating a truly majestic photoshoot.

Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon

This is just the latest of the photographer’s awesome work. As you can see below, they have quite the portfolio of stunning nighttime photography:

Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon
Japanese Photographer Captures Stunningly Gorgeous Photoshoot of Tokyo Station During a Typhoon

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Written by viralbandit

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