
Kenny Hurtado Captures Stromboli Smouldering


The camera of Los Angeles-based photographer Kenny Hurtado can most often be found focused on the sea. On a recent trip through Italy, he traveled to Stromboli: a volcanic island adrift in navy blue ocean.

This small island off the coast of Sicily is home to one of Italy’s most active volcanoes, though it seems that constant eruptions from its three craters do little to deter tourists from visiting. Known locally as the ‘Lighthouse of the Mediterranean’ for its fiery consistence, visible from various points of the island and the sea that surrounds it, Hurtado explains that the island is “extremely active, with small eruptions happening every 20 to 30 minutes.” Here, against the fluorescent hues of the lava and the black of the volcanic earth, Hurtado photographed a perfectly color matched summer holiday. Despite the presence of volcanic action, his subjects remain unphased. Groups lounge on black pebble beaches, hang from concrete piers and dive deep into the seemingly endless blue that surrounds this tiny island.


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