
Kumaon · Himalayas, India |


Deep in the Himalayas, a glass-fronted minimalist residence cantilevers from the hillside. This is the Kumaon, a hotel comprising of ten luxury suites, a library, a sun lounge and a restaurant — all at 1600 meters above sea level.

Situated on in a ridge of Nanda Devi mountain, the hotel is accessible via steep paths that creep down from the main road. An abundance of windows makes the most of this vista, granting views of the peaks of the Himalayas. Designed by award-winning architects Pradeep Kodikara and Juneshi Samaraweera of Zowa, the bamboo-shrouded space is an example of luxe restraint and environmentally conscious construction. Utilizing locally sourced materials, from the furniture to the bamboo screens that clad the exterior, a majority of the hotel and its moving pieces were made on site. To further offset their carbon footprint, Kumaon has planned to harvest all rainwater at the site, which will then be used for seasonal crops on the surrounding property.

Kumaon Hotel
Village Gadholi
Kasar Devi, Binsar Road
Almora, Uttarakhand
263601, India

All images © Akshay Sharma for Zowa


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