
Ordinary Objects By Rune Guneriussen

Norwegian artist Rune Guneriussen works in the transition between installation and photography. As a conceptual artist, he explores a fascinating balance of human culture and nature, creating outdoor installations of electric lamps, stacked books, chairs, and phones that appear to have gathered in small herds and swarms.

Guneriussen uses these everyday objects to construct stories, assembled and photographed on-site without any digital intervention in various rural locations all over his native Norway. Embedded into dreamlike landscapes, these surreal, humorous photographs of his installations seem almost computer-generated. As an artist he believes that art itself should be questioning and deceptive as opposed to patronising and restricting. Guneriussen does not explain the stories he is trying to tell, he just leaves them completely open ended. The hidden agenda of his art is not to give clarification, but rather “indicate a path to understanding a story.”

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