
Photographer Finds Charming Japanese Countryside Scenes that Look Right Out of an Anime


It can from time to time sound silly to go through a area in Japan and remark that “it appears like an anime”, mainly because after all, several anime element intricately researched and illustrated recreations of authentic locations in Japan.

Talented photographer Akine Coco proves that at just the ideal second, the saying has a lot of reality in it. In what look to be significantly countryside settings in Japan, Akine writes in their Twitter profile that they “show the anime-esque entire world by photographs”, and their latest stunning pictures certainly does that!

A lot more: Instagram, Twitter h/t: grapee

Even though numerous of Akine’s subjects are of daily scenery and identified about Japan, they look to be equipped to capture them in a light and from angle that seriously do make them feel as if they have been lifted from an anime directed by Hayao Miyazaki of Studio Ghibli, or perhaps a Makoto Shinkai operate.

That’s why Akine posts them generally with the caption “Just like a scene from an anime,” right here are a couple of Akine’s standout photographs!

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Written by viralbandit

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