
Photographer Recaptured Old Photos Of Berlin To Show How Much It Has Changed Over The Years


Linie C (1923/2019)

According to Jo Furch: “For about half a year now, I’ve been going out almost every day to recapture old photos of Berlin as accurately as possible. I started doing this to better understand how the banality of everyday life continues despite historically extreme periods of time.

Many “anchors” in the city landscape like old houses and trees help to build a bridge to another time and to better relate to the people that lived in it. Finding the exact position, where another person took a photo many years ago has become a very rewarding passion of mine. I hope you enjoy the results as much as I do!

Most of the photos I’ve recaptured were taken by two photographers that did an amazing job documenting the city over many years: Chris John Dewitt and Jürgen Henschel.”

More: ReFilm h/t: boredpanda

Eldorado drag bar turned into organic shop (1932/2019)

Altes Museum (1936/2019)

War damage in the 40s: Hermannplatz (1945/2018)

Forum Steglitz (1970/2019)

Another generation of the Wall (1976/2018)

Holsten-Eck (1976/2019)

Walter-Rindfleisch-Gedächtnisrennen (1976/2018)

Bio Markt (1977/2019)

Reunification (1979/2018)

Under construction (1979/2019)

Marheineke Markthalle II (1979/2019)

Kaufhaus Kato (1979/2019)

Friedrichstadt-Palast (1980/2019)

The street having the most polluted air in Germany (1980/2018)

Berlin Chamissoplatz (1980/2017)

Marheineke Markthalle (1981/2019)

Bergmannstraße (1981/2019)

BESETZT (1981/2018)

War damage in the 80s: Gendarmenmarkt (1984/2019)

Bike ride in Kreuzberg, Berlin (~1985/2018)

War damage in the 80s: Neue Synagoge (1985/2019)

Cinema turned into Zara (1985/2019)

Bike ride in Kreuzberg, Berlin II (1986/2018)

Dive bar turns into Thai restaurant (1986/2018)

Friedrichstraße (1986/2018)

A slowly growing tree (1986/2019)

Some places don’t change, even in Berlin (1986/2018)

Wings of Desire: Bruno Ganz and Otto Sander (1987/2017)

Wings of Desire: A wall on a bridge (1987/2017)

Wings of Desire: Iß ROTES APFELMUS! (1987/2017)

Onkenstraße (1990/2019)

Inside the death zone (1990/2018)

A falling wall (1990/2018)

Everything changes but the Mercedes Benz (1990/2018)

The trains they are changing (1990/2018)

Wall-Street Gallery (1990/2018)

Stolen parts (1991/2018)

Facade paintings in Berlin Mitte (1993/2018)

Bridges and pipes (1995/2018)

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Written by viralbandit

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