
Post-Soviet Russia in Provocative Visual Mise-en-Scenes of Sergey Chilikov


Sergey Chilikov (1953-2020) is one of the most exceptional practitioners of the ‘new’ images which emerged in the USSR in the 1970s.

Carefully linked to the Sots Art (Soviet Pop Artwork) movement, Chilikov’s operate is a subversive reaction to the strict Brezhnev era of the USSR. Away from the oppression of public society and in the privateness of domestic circumstances, individuals were totally free to behave as they wished. Chilikov turned his lens upon his topics in this liberated state. His operate presents a glimpse into a interesting earlier counter-tradition that has placing resonance to our societies nowadays.

A little NSFW.

(Frequented 1 instances, 3 visits these days)

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Written by viralbandit

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