
Stunning Photos From The Bosch Parade, The Sailing Parade In The Spirit Of Jheronimus Bosch


Bosch Parade honours Jheronimus Bosch as a storyteller and inspiration. His paintings are mysterious picture stories in which he illustrated his time in an unconventional way. Jheronimus Bosch also was the very first genre painter: the first painter to acknowledge commoners, by giving them a full role in his works.

This floating, poetic parade of art works portrays a universal tale of power and counterforce, battle and rapprochement, chaos and hope. From the chaos after the battle a new order has to emerge. Eventually, old opposites will form the foundation for a new hope in this storyline filled with symbolism and fantasy – as it is in Jheronimus Bosch’s works.

More: Bosch Parade, Instagram, Facebook

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Written by viralbandit

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