
Thai Woman Creates Hilarious Instagram Vs. Reality Collages


For many, Instagram is the highlight reel of their lives. They show off their exotic trips, fancy meals, strike a sexy pose in front of expensive toys, and it’s totally their choice. However, if you drown yourself in the sea of winning shots, you might end up with the impression that all of their days look like that. And feel like a loser when comparing yourself to those unachievable standards.

So it’s healthy to remind yourself that not only are these pictures showing just a tiny part of their lives, but that there are dozens of outtakes behind those glamorous shots as well. Maybe the angle gave them a double chin, maybe a dog was pooping in the background; these pictures get discarded.

More: Instagram, Youtube h/t: boredpanda

Vienna became a model when she was 19 years old. “I went to Tokyo for a vacation when I had about 10K followers on Twitter. I met a girl there and we ended up taking a photo together while we were walking on the street. After she posted our photo online, her modeling agency contacted me and asked me to work with them,” Vienna told Bored Panda.

Vienna said she mostly uses Instagram to document her trips around the world. “I love traveling and photography so I want people to know more about me and all the places I go to.”

For her Instagram vs. Reality series, Vienna used some after-effects on the “perfect” photos to really highlight the discrepancy between the side-by-side pics. “On those photos, I used an app called Ulike.” This software lets people “fine-tune” themselves, offering to touch-up their eyes, nose and mouth.”

However, the “real” ones weren’t manipulated at all, I just used my normal camera. That’s why my face looks super different in them.”

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Written by viralbandit

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