
The Creepy Doll Adoption Agency


So you have inherited your grandmother’s treasured dolls, which she cherished, but you just can’t stand them for the reason that they glance so creepy? You aren’t alone, as many persons conclude up with dolls that are unpleasant, haunted, or give off uncanny valley vibes. You could toss them, but that’s neither respectful to grandma nor is it environmentally-helpful. What to do?

Sara and Brian have found their specialized niche in recycling. They run a software termed Unsettling Toy Elimination and Rehoming, in which they choose in your undesirable dolls and supply them to individuals who are not so bothered. If you are interested, you can glance through the dolls that are readily available, or for a actual horror show, scroll down to see their collection.

Additional: Unsettling Toy Removing and Rehoming, Instagram h/t: sadanduseless

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Written by viralbandit

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