Berlin fashionistas Britt Kanja and Günther Krabbenhöft have aged like fine wine. Despite their silver age, the two of them lead active lives, and not only appear in all kinds of cultural and social events, but absolutely wreck their dance floors as well.
Moreover, wherever they go, the couple always stands out in the crowd with their impeccable looks. Britt and Günther share a great taste in fashion and have mastered combining their wardrobe into sharp and timeless couple outfits that will never go out of style.
More: Marta, Instagram Günther: Facebook, Instagram Britt: Facebook, Instagram
Günther actually went viral a couple of years ago and earned himself the nickname of Hipster Grandpa. He attributes a lot of his evident health to dancing, which he discovered only at an older age. “Since then, I’ve been able to skip my other fitness program, I just need a little strength training on the side,” he told Süddeutsche Zeitung.
Contrary to what you might think, he was never a stylist. “I would have liked that, yes. But I wasn’t someone who rebelled, I did what my parents told me to do.” Instead, Günther became a chef. “It was hard for me at first, but it was okay. A completely normal job.”
However, the Hipster Grandpa said that he has always been into fashion. “In Hanover, where I grew up, we used to run around in miniskirts when the miniskirt was just coming out for men. With Roman sandals, too! But we quickly let that go. When I came to Kreuzberg over 30 years ago, I mainly dressed in black in the typical alternative look here – but always special with a personal twist.”
Günther said that he has always kept changing and so has his clothes. To him, it’s all about harmony between the inside and the outside.
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