
Unique Photos Capture A Couple’s Visit To ‘Stranger Things 3’ Filming Locations


Ollie Mei and Justin Sparapani took a trip up to the greater Atlanta area of Georgia to check out the filming locations from the third season of “Stranger Things,” now streaming on Netflix. This season was filled with iconic locations, highlighted by the blast-to-the-past that is the Starcourt Mall.

More: Instagram h/t: attractionsmagazine

The pair spent an estimated 15 hours researching and planning their “Stranger Things” road trip, hoping to hit all the major stops from the new season, as well as a few filming locations that might be harder for fans to find. Though this wasn’t their first time hunting down the locations related to the Netflix series.

“We took photos of ‘Stranger Things’ locations before, and when we left, we didn’t see the Hawkins Lab at that point, we didn’t go to the arcade, we didn’t have time for all that. So I wanted to make a trip for it,” said Sparapani. “We thought it would be really cool to print as many photos as we can and get as many shots as we can.”

Mei and Sparapani had actually taken a trip to Georgia previously to photograph the filming locations for seasons 1 and 2, but didn’t get to visit all the locations they wanted.

Season 2

Season 1

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Written by viralbandit

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