
Vietnamese Restaurant Finds A Genius Way To Help Their Customers Feel Less Lonely While Social Distancing Using Pandas


Vietnamese Restaurant Finds A Genius Way To Help Their Customers Feel Less Lonely While Social Distancing Using Pandas

A lot of places are starting to open already, but there are still some worries and concerns about keeping social distance between people. Well, a Vietnamese restaurant in Thailand found the perfect solution for how to keep their customers apart—pandas!

Maison Saigon placed plush pandas in the restaurant so that people have to sit at a safe distance. Also, if you come to eat alone, you have some company. The rules and regulations are changing rapidly and most of us are confused about what to do and how to be safe, so this idea is a charming and smart way to make sure everyone is being protected from the virus.

More: Instagram, Facebook h/t: boredpanda

Vietnamese Restaurant Finds A Genius Way To Help Their Customers Feel Less Lonely While Social Distancing Using Pandas
Vietnamese Restaurant Finds A Genius Way To Help Their Customers Feel Less Lonely While Social Distancing Using Pandas
Vietnamese Restaurant Finds A Genius Way To Help Their Customers Feel Less Lonely While Social Distancing Using Pandas
Vietnamese Restaurant Finds A Genius Way To Help Their Customers Feel Less Lonely While Social Distancing Using Pandas
Vietnamese Restaurant Finds A Genius Way To Help Their Customers Feel Less Lonely While Social Distancing Using Pandas
Vietnamese Restaurant Finds A Genius Way To Help Their Customers Feel Less Lonely While Social Distancing Using Pandas
Vietnamese Restaurant Finds A Genius Way To Help Their Customers Feel Less Lonely While Social Distancing Using Pandas
Vietnamese Restaurant Finds A Genius Way To Help Their Customers Feel Less Lonely While Social Distancing Using Pandas

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Written by viralbandit

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