Titled “White Lies”, this new series of artist Lucas Simões comprises six column-like sculptures made from concrete and paper piles. Simões is presenting his new pieces at Lora Reynolds Gallery arranged in a grid, as if they were pylons for an imaginary building during a construction process. Inspired by Brutalist architecture, these freestanding sculptures combine geometric shapes cast in concrete, stacked on top of hundreds of sheets of paper or pinched between the forms without internal supports or glue, only gravity holds the sculptures together. Paper and concrete seem to cascade toward the ground or climb skyward in a regular pattern, freezing the moment before each pillar topples. Simões’s series is about buildings, their stability and failure, and the consequences of their existence. The idiom of White Lies implies a certain harmlessness. But instead thinking about the phrase in terms of race, it encourages a reconsideration of modern architecture, the people at its helm, and its effects on the world.
All images © Lora Reynolds Gallery
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