
Women Posing With ‘Buzzer’ From A Century Ago


German-born American photographer, Arnold Genthe (January 8, 1869 – August 9, 1942) took a collection of photos of lady posing with his cat. Beginning in 1906, Genthe photographed a number of females with 4 of his cats, all named Buzzer.

h/t: flashbak

“It is told that at the age of four, when I was taken by the nurse to search at my recently arrived brother Hugo, I very seriously remarked, ‘I’d like a tiny kitten far better.’ I am fond of puppies, but cats have often meant much more to me, and they have been the sensible and sympathetic companions of numerous a solitary hour,” Arnold Genthe from his autobiography, As I Keep in mind (1936)

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Written by viralbandit

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