
15 Throwback Gifts That Will Inspire Nostalgia For The 1990s


1990s Nostalgic Gift Guide 90s Fashion 90s Style

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What’s your favorite memory of the ’90s? Your answer will likely depend on your age, but there’s no doubt it’ll include some sort of trend that seems long lost. Back in a time when Gen X college students ordered pizza via landlines while wearing flannels and loose high-waisted Levis, millennial kids were trying to keeping their Tamagotchis alive, and Gen Z babies were being introduced to their first Tickle Me Elmo dolls, it felt like we had it all. Though it may seem like our worlds have changed a great deal, you can still find many of your favorite nostalgic items available today. And a trip down memory lane is the perfect gift for the holidays.

Know a now-grown-up boyband fan? Get them an NSYNC doormat to declare their everlasting love for the frosted-tip quintet. For those with a sweet tooth, a vintage candy box will bring back sugary sweet memories. And you can’t say ’90s without neon, so give the gift of a bright, patterned mask with a Saved by the Bell-esque use of shapes that looks exactly like a table cloth you’ve probably seen at a kid’s birthday party in 1994.

Of course, the ’90s spans 10 years, so there’s a lot to cover. It was a time when color was king,  big and baggy was “da bomb,” and Lisa Frank was…everywhere. (Also, there were snap bracelets, butterfly clips, Walkmen, floppy discs, and dial-up Internet.) So, scroll down to check out our list of ’90s fashion, toys, and gifts which are—in the natural cycle of things—cool again.

Throwback Gifts Full of ’90s Nostalgia


Caboodle Cases

Caboodle 1990s Gift

Caboodles | $19.99



Tamagotchi Pet

Tamagotchi | $19.97


NSYNC Doormat

*NSYNC Doormat Bye Bye Bye

MinorLess | $39.99+


Saved By the Bell Spirit Sweatshirt

Saved By The bell Bayside Tigers

SpruceMount | $28.95+


1990s Candy Box


That’s So… 90s Trivia Game


Lisa Frank Stickers

Lisa Frank Stickers Gifts 1990s

Lisa Frank | $18.95


D.A.R.E. Fanny Pack

DARE Fanny Pack

Tipsy Elves | $24.95


Crazy Straws

1990s gifts toys twisty crazy straws

TOMNK | $10.99


Troll Dolls

Troll Doll

Yintlilocn | $11.99


Spice Girls Poster

Spice Girls Poster

DramaLlamaPrints | $17.98+


A Modern, Mini Lite Brite

Smallest Lite Brite

Worlds Smallest | $6.95


Glitter Gel Pens

Gelly Roll Glitter Gel Pens 1990s Classics

Sakura | $10


Jazz Design Tumbler


’90s Fashion Mask

What do you think?

Written by viralbandit

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