
Artist Creates “Negative Drawings” That Come to Life When Colors Are Inverted

Negative Drawings Inverted Drawings Liam York

UK-based artist Liam York creates mesmerizing portraits that appear to magically come to life when the colors are inverted. Known as “negative drawings,” the young artist’s sketches showcase his experimental approach to art and his awe-inspiring drawing abilities.

To create these inverted drawings, York works from photographs. He meticulously draws each depiction, employing a reversed color palette in order to reproduce each piece as a negative. Once each portrait is complete, York takes a picture of it. He then digitally inverts the photograph, revealing a surprisingly realistic and strikingly detailed black-and-white portrait.

Today, York primarily works with more traditional methods when creating his captivating works of art. Like his negative drawings, however, these pieces are also rendered in black-and-white and illustrate the artist’s detailed approach to portraiture. You can learn more about his process and practice (as well as his musical side) on his Instagram. And, if you like what you see, you can also purchase prints of his portraits on Redbubble.

Artist Liam York creates impressive “negative drawings” that reveal realistic portraits when inverted.

Negative Drawings Inverted Drawings Liam York
Negative Drawings Inverted Drawings Liam York
Negative Drawings Inverted Drawings Liam York
Negative Drawings Inverted Drawings Liam York
Negative Drawings Inverted Drawings Liam York
Negative Drawings Inverted Drawings Liam York
Negative Drawings Inverted Drawings Liam York
Negative Drawings Inverted Drawings Liam York
Negative Drawings Inverted Drawings Liam York
Negative Drawings Inverted Drawings Liam York
Negative Drawings Inverted Drawings Liam York
Negative Drawings Inverted Drawings Liam York
Negative Drawings Inverted Drawings Liam York

Liam York: Instagram | deviantART | YouTube | Redbubble
h/t: [Twisted Sifter]

All images via Liam York.

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