
Food Artist Creatively Cuts and Arranges Food into Complex Compositions


Of all the places to find artistic inspiration, Japanese art director Yuni Yoshida finds it in her kitchen fruit bowl. She creates surreal food compositions in which apples, oranges, bananas, and other everyday ingredients appear as though they’ve been digitally pixelated and spliced together. Despite the digitized and Photoshopped look, every edible work of art is, in fact, impressively and meticulously crafted by hand.

For Yoshida’s Peel series, the artist creates appetizing hybrid forms by merging two or more pieces of fruit together like a mismatched jigsaw puzzle. By cleverly using parts of fruits with different hues and shades, she’s able to create the effect that some of the pieces of fruit are partly translucent. In one piece, Yoshida combines a banana and apple together, and uses a slice of orange peel to “fill in” the overlapping center. It’s like a real-life Venn diagram!

For her Pixelated series, Yoshida re-configures food arrangements by cutting small cubes from real ingredients and rearranging them in dizzying mosaics that “blur” parts of the color and form. In one piece, an entire burger is partly distorted by displacing cubes of meat patty, bread bun, tomatoes, and cucumbers. In other works, the fruits’ skin appears to drip from them like wet paint onto the floor. No matter the surreal twist, Yoshida’s extraordinary food art is sure to make you do a double take.

Scroll down to see Yoshida’s incredible food art, and make sure to follow her growing portfolio on Instagram.

Japanese art director Yuni Yoshida creates surreal food compositions in which fruit appears as though it’s been digitally spliced together.

She even re-configures food arrangements to create the illusion of pixelated meals.

Yuni Yoshida: Website | Instagram

All images via Yuni Yoshida.

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Written by viralbandit

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