
Otherworldly Images of Andromeda Galaxy Over a Tiny Swiss Village

sandro casutt andromeda photography

A view of the sky from the Zervreila Mountain Lagoon in Switzerland.

Photographer Sandro Casutt lives in a remote Swiss village with unbelievable views of the Andromeda Galaxy. The village of Vals, population 990, is a prime location for viewing the closest major galaxy to the Milky Way. Thus, Casutt, together with his brother Markus, started Cosmic Art Photography two years ago as an outlet for their love of the universe.

Owner of a tattoo parlor by day, Casutt spends his evenings hunting for the perfect sky. The resulting photographs, which are shot during different seasons, give incredible views of the Andromeda in all its glory. The galaxy, the largest of a cluster of 54 galaxies known as the Local Group, is 220,000 light years across and is expected to collide with the Milky Way in 4.5 billion years. And while the Andromeda is the closest to us, we’re still talking about 2.5 million light years away from Earth.

Casutt’s lens is able to pick up some of the one trillion stars that populate the Andromeda, as well as nebulae that cast glowing hues into the night sky. For astronomy lovers looking to venture to Vals, the brothers offer workshops throughout the year.

The Swiss village of Vals has incredible views of the Andromeda Galaxy.

sandro casutt andromeda photography

The Horsehead Flame Nebula.

sandro casutt andromeda photography

A view of the Andromeda Galaxy in Switzerland.

sandro casutt andromeda photography

North American Nebula and Pleiades.

sandro casutt andromeda photography

A view of the Andromeda Galaxy in Switzerland.

sandro casutt andromeda photography

The Horsehead Flame Nebula.

sandro casutt andromeda photography

A view of the Lagoon Nebula.

sandro casutt andromeda galaxy photography

North American Nebula and Pleiades.

sandro casutt andromeda photography

Orion the Hunter.

sandro casutt andromeda galaxy photography

The North American Nebula above a mountain.

sandro casutt andromeda galaxy photography

A view of the Triangulaum and the Andromeda Galaxy above a mountain.

sandro casutt andromeda galaxy photography

A view of the Dark Nebula from Switzerland.

Sandro Casutt: Website | Facebook | 500px
h/t: [designyoutrust]

All images via Sandro Casutt.

The post Otherworldly Images of Andromeda Galaxy Over a Tiny Swiss Village appeared first on My Modern Met.

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