
Traveling Artist Transforms the World’s Landscapes with New Playful Paper Cut-Outs

Paper Cut-Outs by Rich McCor

Tower Bridge, London

We can’t get enough of the the paper-cut out world of photographer Rich McCor (aka paperboyo). As an avid traveler, he’s been pretty much everywhere, transforming global landmarks with his paper cut-outs. His latest work sees him back in his hometown of London, as well as in Toronto, and even South Korea.

McCor’s work is distinctively playful. He places paper silhouette cut-outs between his lens and landscape, allowing him to playfully interact with landmarks in humorous and lighthearted ways. In his latest work, London’s landscape transforms into a fairground when Tower Bridge becomes a gigantic roller coaster; a jazz musician plays The University of Toronto’s Faculty of Law building like an accordion; a little girl star gazes from Toronto’s CV tower; and in Croatia, clouds are painted onto the colorful sunset sky with a giant paintbrush.

After two years of cut-outs, McCor has recently published a book entitled Around the World in Cut-Outs. It’s full of his clever creations and is currently available on Amazon.

Take a look at Rich McCor’s imaginative paper cut-out scenes from around the world.

Paper Cut-Outs by Rich McCor

The Namcheon Bridge, South Korea

Paper Cut-Outs by Rich McCor

Brooklyn Bridge

Paper Cut-Outs by Rich McCor

Coney Island Beach & Boardwalk

Paper Cut-Outs by Rich McCor

CN tower, Toronto

Paper Cut-Outs by Rich McCor

University of Toronto Faculty of Law

Paper Cut-Outs Rich McCor paperboyo

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York

Paper Cut-Outs Rich McCor paperboyo

The Broad, Los Angeles

Paper Cut-Outs by Rich McCor

The Shard, London

Paper Cut-Outs by Rich McCor

Obonjan, Croatia

Rich McCor: Instagram
h/t: [Colossal]

All images via Rich McCor.

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