
A Large-Scale Installation Of Tree Roots In Seoul’s Hangang Park


The elaborate wooden benches merge public art, furniture design and architecture together, operating as functional benches. The wooden ‘roots’ of the installation undulate in different directions and elevations, providing public furniture at three different heights for the community to enjoy. “Root Bench is fused into the grass and blurs the boundary between artificial installation and natural environment”, explains a statement on the firm’s website. The 700 square meter project was designed using a computer algorithm, which generated the three-dimensional geometry of the benches. After dark, lights that are positioned under some of the elevated roots are switched on, turning the piece into a night-installation. “It provides visual stimulus creating a strong contrast to the background of [the] spacious outdoor park”, continues the firm. “Visitors can feel comfortable in [the] resting space and can enjoy the art piece at the same time”.


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