
Robert Roth Paints How The Light Gets In


Ohio-based artist Robert Roth paints the vastness of the sky and the power of the sun, capturing the horizon as blue melts into shades of bright amber and soft rose.

Though Roth is often considered a landscape painter, the horizons that he paints sit low on the canvas—the land secondary to the might of the sky. “Skies are a powerful form of nature,” Roth explains, “revealing endless compositions of light and color.” Yet, when every blazing sunset is captured and posted to Instagram, often artworks that render such horizons fail to inspire any great sense of awe. Yet Roth, with his fast, broad brushstrokes, manages to paint such scenes in new ways. His paintings transfer the infinite quality of sky, and its relationship to land and water, to canvas. “Within my paintings, I try to achieve that sense of vastness as the reflective light travels throughout the low horizon and across the waterways, lighting up the ground,” Roth tells us. “My paintings are really abstract studies of skies and the landscape just happens to sneak in.” 


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Written by viralbandit

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