
Blickwechsel By Ina Schoenenburg

The work of German photographer and member of the renowned photography agency OSTKREUZIna Schoenenburg offers an insight into interpersonal relationships taking place in everyday situations.

In her ongoing series ‘Blickwechsel’ (Exchanging Glances) she portrays the closeness and distance in a family by capturing herself, her daughter and her parents in their house in the countryside. Through documentary images she creates an intimate world where noticeable conflicts seem to be floating under the surface while the story behind them remains secret. One of the protagonists is Schoenenburg’s father who was strongly involved in the socialist society which caused an identity crises for her parents after the German reunification, an experience shared by many East German families. The award winning series which started as her final project in 2011 while studying at Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie has received international recognition and was shown in several solo shows and group exhibitions.

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