
Surreal Family Vacation Photos That Include The Cats


New York City photographer Jim Lind decided that he wanted to include the family cats in everything he and his wife did, so he created the wonderfully surreal photo series “Family Vacation”.

More: Jim Lind, Facebook h/t: laughingsquid

The photos depict the cats participating in a moonwalk in New Zealand, a mountain hike in Montana, snowman building in Iceland, an undersea adventure and even a stint at Burning Man. Lind told the Washington Post that it was a bit difficult to work with his cats, who were less than keen to wear costumes.

“There’s a reason that most professional photoshoots involving animals hire pet wranglers and use trained animals. It’s very apparent how terrible my pets are as models once I bring out their outfits, and they scramble away biting and scratching anything that lunges toward them.”

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Written by viralbandit

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