
This Makeup Artist Transforms Herself Into Various Celebrities And Popular Characters


Kate Blanchett

Some people today are alarmed by how easy it is to faux everything with digital implies like Photoshop, and it’s challenging to shock any individual with that. But a make-up artist that goes by the title of gillianisme on TikTok reveals that a single can faux their id with much more “analogue” strategies like brushes, mascara, and shadows, and the effects are outstanding.

The artist can convert herself into virtually any superstar or recognizable character no make any difference the gender or ethnicity. She reworked herself into the likes of Scarlett Johansson, Scarlet Witch, Kate Blanchett, Anne Hathaway, Audrey Hepburn, Jackie Chan, Edward Scissorhands, and many other people, and the outcomes are so convincing that it makes it easy to feel that there are no limits to what she can be.

Her efforts began trending on TikTok, and she has been given tens of millions of likes and hundreds of thousands of followers on the system.

A lot more: TikTok h/t: boredpanda

Scarlett Johansson

Anne Hathaway

Taylor Swift

Michael Jackson

Edward Scissorhands

Audrey Hepburn

Wanda Maximoff

Billie Eilish

Natalie Portman

Audrey Hepburn

Anne Hathaway

Eason Chan

Jackie Chan

Andy Lau

Anita Mui

Jennie Kim


Stephen Chow

Cheon Web optimization-Jin From Penthouse: War In Existence

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Written by viralbandit

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