In her ongoing collection of intricately-crafted creatures, artist Ellen Jewett exhibits her imaginative approach to animal sculpture. Each mixed-media work of art merges real-life fauna with fantastical elements, culminating in a strange and surreal series of beings.
Like her past pieces, Jewett’s recently crafted creations play with flora and fauna in an experimental and artistic way. Within this “ethereal menagerie,” the backs of animals—including a bear mid-stride, a flying bat, a perched crow, and a couple of graceful fish—sprout grass, tress, mushrooms, and flowers. In addition to plant-life, some of the beasts are covered in manmade objects and even other animals. These characteristics work together to fabricate a “frieze on which themes as familiar as domestication and as abrasive as domination fall into sharp relief.”
In addition to new twists on familiar subject matter, Jewett’s newer chimerical collection retains the handmade quality of her older oeuvre. As each mesmerizing piece is molded, carved, and painted by Jewett, “the hand of the artist is never intentionally erased; brush strokes and fingerprints abound.” This approach is intrinsic to the artist’s practice, as it highlights both her inspiring connection to nature and her remarkably rich talents.
Jewett recently released 10 new sculptures (which can be viewed below). Seeing how remarkably crafted they are, it’s no surprise that every single one has already been sold.
Artist Ellen Jewett has produced a growing menagerie of surreal animal sculptures.
Here are some of Jewett’s older pieces from this wonderfully surreal series.
Ellen Jewett: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Etsy | DeviantArt
h/t: [Colossal]
All images via Ellen Jewett.
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