
Video Reveals 30 Different Types of Photographers There Are in the World


Types of Photographers

How can you tell the difference between a wedding photographer and an event photographer? Or someone that snaps pictures of food versus a person that takes photos with a macro lens? Each type of photographer has their own idiosyncrasies, and these different characteristics are the subject of 30 Types of Photographers, a video by Finnish photo artist Antti Karppinen.

Over the span of four minutes, Karppinen introduces us to a myriad of photographer personalities. To the layperson, it might seem like there’s not much difference—every photographer is the same, right? But through Karppinen’s often-humorous impressions, he shows that there are many distinctions in the poses they make, what they wear, and the accessories they use. A commercial photographer, for instance, is likely to have their camera hooked up to a computer so that each shot is transferred onto a larger monitor. But for someone who photographs kids, they’ll ditch the tether and wear a sock puppet on their hand.

Watch Karppinen embody 30 unique photographers in the video below. You’ll come away appreciating the nuances of the field.

Photo artist Antti Karppinen created a humorous video that showcases 30 different types of photographers…

Types of PhotographersTypes of Photographers


Including their poses…

Types of Photographers a Photography MemeTypes of Photographers a Photography Meme


…and equipment.

Types of PhotographersTypes of Photographers a Photography MemeTypes of Photographers a Photography Meme

Watch the full video below:


Antti Karppinen: Website | YouTube | Instagram | Facebook
h/t: [PetaPixel]

All screenshots via Antti Karppinen.

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The post Video Reveals 30 Different Types of Photographers There Are in the World appeared first on My Modern Met.


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