
Introducing Chrissy Angliker’s Paintings

The works of Swiss/American painter Chrissy Angliker, subtle yet expressive, are a visual translation of the artist’s perception of herself in relationship to the world.

Born in Zurich, Switzerland, Chrissy Angliker experimented with stone, clay, and found objects from her early years to find the right means of expression. In 1996, she was lucky enough to study with the Russian artist Juri Borodachev, who then became her artistic mentor for several years. In 1999, at age of 16, Angliker moved to United States, where she lives and creates today, having her works exhibited regularly in both her native and adopted country. In her expressive, lively paintings she seeks for the balance between chaos and control. Although at first glance some of Angliker’s works look like abstract compositions, they are in fact deeply rooted in the real world. The painter teases the viewers with small hints to evoke a specific scene, yet without too much obviousness. That way, looking at Angliker’s paintings opens up the doors to her perception of the world, while inviting the viewers to see it through her own experience.

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