
Dog Tags are Always Useful and Sometimes Hilarious


Dog Tags are Always Useful and Sometimes Hilarious

Dog ID tags have a very practical use and we encourage every owner to get one for their pet. If they ever get lost, the first thing a stranger will check is the pet’s collar for an ID tag.

Now once you’ve provided a way for someone to contact you, there’s plenty of real estate to brighten someone’s day and put a smile on their face! Below is a small gallery of funny dog tags with varying levels of profanity and meme references. Enjoy!

h/t: twistedsifter

Dog Tags are Always Useful and Sometimes Hilarious
Dog Tags are Always Useful and Sometimes Hilarious
Dog Tags are Always Useful and Sometimes Hilarious
Dog Tags are Always Useful and Sometimes Hilarious
Dog Tags are Always Useful and Sometimes Hilarious
Dog Tags are Always Useful and Sometimes Hilarious
Dog Tags are Always Useful and Sometimes Hilarious
Dog Tags are Always Useful and Sometimes Hilarious
Dog Tags are Always Useful and Sometimes Hilarious
Dog Tags are Always Useful and Sometimes Hilarious
Dog Tags are Always Useful and Sometimes Hilarious


h/t: Source link

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Written by viralbandit

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