
A Bizarre and Captivating Art Installation » Design You Trust



Collaborative Chinese artists Sunlight Yuan and Peng Yu have developed a unique installation that blurs the lines among fact and creativeness. Teen Teen capabilities human bodies dressed in extravagant suits and night robes, lounging on leather sofas and chairs, but with large boulders for heads. The bizarre circumstance evokes a feeling of bewilderment in viewers, who are still left to decipher a message concealed in the strange arrangement.

More: Sun Yuan & Peng Yu


The task is comprised of two diverse sections: the established of sculptures and a functionality piece that changes with each and every installation. Whether or not little ones are kicking a soccer ball about the sculptures or a mysterious cardboard box is sitting down in just the place, the only link the performances have with the sculptures is that they exist within just the exact globe.


In accordance to Galerie Perrotin, “Their will work are so lots of worries to price devices, socially conditioned prejudices, and the ambiguous relations among East and West.” Teen Teen is no exception, as it forces viewers to confront their preconceived notions of attractiveness and perfection.


This hyper-sensible set up raises thoughts about the indicating of attractiveness and how we understand it. Is beauty uncovered in perfection, or can it exist inside of imperfection? The juxtaposition of the exquisite garments with the tough and rugged boulder heads produces a placing contrast that issues conventional elegance expectations.


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Written by viralbandit

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