
Artist Fights With Lockdown Depression By Making Comics That Comment On The Pandemic


Dating Applications Bought You Down?

According to Jessica Bhatia: “I could have reached for that millionth bag of Oreos. I could have reached for the Tv set remote. In its place, I attained for my trusty mechanical pencil and produced these comics for your enjoyment satisfaction! I hope 1 of my comics can make you smile nowadays.

When I am not working on advertising strategies out of my little loft in Los Angeles, CA, I am operating single-panel comics for my #PandemicProblems collection! I have cherished entertaining close friends, relatives, and strangers alike via my drawings and unsolicited jokes considering that I was outdated plenty of to keep a pencil straight. When I was in the first grade, Bruce Blitz signed my first e book on the artwork of cartooning and the relaxation, as they say, was history.”

Extra: Instagram h/t: boredpanda

The Scariest Detail To Materialize In 2020

That Time We Believed We Didn’t Have Adequate Toilet Paper

It’s A Dog’s Planet

It is Usually “Who’s A Excellent Boy?” And Never ever “How Is My Great Boy?”

Spin The Wheel To Make A Food


It is Pronounced “Tar-Jay”

What is A Cal-En-Dar?

Each Dad’s Nightmare

Kevin Was Requested To Pursue A Enthusiasm Outdoors Of Work

“It Was ‘Purelly’ For Study Purposes”

A Male Can Dream

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Written by viralbandit

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