
Eva LeWitt’s Effervescent Curtains |

Teetering on the edge between functional common curtains and abstract art, American artist Eva LeWitt’s colorful ‘Untitled’ curtains are a lesson in whimsical design.

At the Oslo space, Gallery VI, VII, Eva LeWitt’s delicate curtains are hung against a backdrop of concrete and Fauske marble. The site-specific installation consists of 13 semi-transparent panels made from polyurethane sponge, latex and plastic. The collection is handmade and hand cast by LeWitt, who enjoys manipulating “soft, synthetic, colorful materials.” Made up of different bright colors cut at varying lengths, the curtains overlap and intersect, making it difficult to see where one ends and another begins.

While curtains are ordinarily the finishing touches to any interior, LeWitt has brought them into the forefront here, making them the focal point of her exhibition. By doing so, she draws on the tensions between outsider and insider, private and public, known and unknown — the things that an opaque curtain are supposed to keep apart.

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Written by viralbandit

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