
Exobiotanica Takes Flowers To Space


‘In Bloom’ is an experimental series by Japanese conceptual flower studio AMKK, in which plants and floral arrangements are constructed in impossible places. In EXOBIOTANICA 2’ they launched a bouquet into the stratosphere — allowing space to determine the arrangement of its flowers. 

From the Lovelock Desert in Nevada, the six-kilogram bouquet was launched into space in August 2017. The idea being, explains the artist, that the structure of the earth and its atmosphere will effectively arrange the flowers: “The ever-changing landscape of the flowers, the changes in lighting and contrast from the direct rays from the sun, the ways in the which the flowers will react in an environment of -60°C, and the way in which they will scatter and fall. The bouquet will then be arranged around the structure of the earth.” AMKK develops experimental creations based on the flowers and plants of floral artist Azuma Makota — elevating plant matter to both literal and artistic heights.

All images © AMKK


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