
Faceted Shapes By Turi Heisselberg Pedersen

“Most of my works are simply just trying to express the inherent character and textual freshness of the clay.”
A ceramist living in Copenhagen, Denmark, Pedersen is represented in collections of Designmuseum Denmark in Copenhagen Le Musée Magnelli or the Annie and Otto Detlef Foundation, to name few. She describes her latest work: “In the interplay between culture and nature, my recent work is inspired by geological structures and crystal formations, but also by architecture, the edged rendering of a computer drawing or folded paper shapes.” All the pieces in the collection are hand-modeled stoneware glazed with slip-glaze, which gives the pieces dry surface and rich texture. Pedersen adds: “Some of my works have expressive surfaces, with relief or fluted structures but most of them are simply just trying to express the inherent character and textual freshness of the clay.”

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