
From The Andes To The Living Room, Furniture Series Imaginary Geographies Is An Ode To Chilean Landscapes


“The Andes Range is our natural frontier to the east, running from the northern border of Chile to Santiago. This is the geography that separates us from the world. The mountains mold our culture, and loom large in our national imagination, both geographically and visually,” explains the Santiago-based collective about the inspiration behind the project. To evoke elements associated with their home country, they employed technology and digital fabrication techniques to create lines from sounds and convert these into striking furniture objects. “The project’s starting point is an audio composition of the sound of the mountain range mixed with the verses of ‘The Imaginary Man’ by the late great poet Nicanor Parra,” they explain. Subjected to digital manipulation, these sounds are used as the basis for a set of carved profiles. “The final realization involves the introduction of these curves on material surfaces, using CNC carving techniques,” they continue.


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