
Meet The Original ‘Shave and Play’ Barbie


Meet The Original 'Shave and Play' Barbie - The Weird and Funny Pandemic 2020 Present

Need a gag gift that will be the hit of the party?!!! Get The Original Shave & Play Borbie!!!

You’ve played with regular Barbie, but this is Shave & Play Borbie…and she is unlike any other doll you’ve played with! She is FURRY and ready for a trim! Whip out the razor (included) and give her a style all her own! Borbie will love her new, silky smooth, hair-free self!

More: Shop @Etsy

Meet The Original 'Shave and Play' Barbie - The Weird and Funny Pandemic 2020 Present
Meet The Original 'Shave and Play' Barbie - The Weird and Funny Pandemic 2020 Present
Meet The Original 'Shave and Play' Barbie - The Weird and Funny Pandemic 2020 Present
Meet The Original 'Shave and Play' Barbie - The Weird and Funny Pandemic 2020 Present
Meet The Original 'Shave and Play' Barbie - The Weird and Funny Pandemic 2020 Present
Meet The Original 'Shave and Play' Barbie - The Weird and Funny Pandemic 2020 Present
Meet The Original 'Shave and Play' Barbie - The Weird and Funny Pandemic 2020 Present
Meet The Original 'Shave and Play' Barbie - The Weird and Funny Pandemic 2020 Present
Meet The Original 'Shave and Play' Barbie - The Weird and Funny Pandemic 2020 Present

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Written by viralbandit

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