
Optical Illusion ‘Wet’ T-Shirts Show Off The Body You Worked So Little For

If you use more chewing muscles than gym facilities, you might imagine that your dream abs are still a little ways down the road. Luckily, a visibly super-toned body is now attainable, and the only thing you have to change about yourself is the top you’re wearing.

Have your body ready for summer the easy way with these visual illusion “see-through” t-shirts that flaunt the abs you never knew you had.

Unconventional Japanese design brand ekoDWorks (previously featured) — who brought you these convincing “ample bust” t-shirts—has introduced ‘Muscle’ and ‘Splashed Bra’ versions that attempt to replicate what your body might look like after your white top gets unfortunately drenched and then pulled back by the wind.

More info: Village Vanguard, ekoDWorks, Instagram h/t: designtaxi

The post Optical Illusion ‘Wet’ T-Shirts Show Off The Body You Worked So Little For appeared first on Design You Trust.

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