
Photographer Accidentally Documents Amazon Tribe Still Unaware Of Our Civilization

Brazilian photographer, Ricardo Stuckert had his helicopter flight redirected due to incoming storm and that new route led him to some of the most remarkable discoveries a photographer can stumble upon – a forest tribe still unaware of our civilization.

It was taken above the Amazon forests in Brazil’s state of Acre, near its border with Peru. It’s thanks to the strict laws protecting the local forests and indigenous people, that the tribe was able to remain undiscovered and unexploited.

Experts say that it could be the same tribe already documented back in 2008, because of the red body paint. During the recent encounter one of the tribe members even threw a spear at the helicopter, much like back in 2008 when they tried the same with a low-flying plane.

I felt like I was a painter in the last century,” Stuckert said to National Geographic. “To think that in the 21st century, there are still people who have no contact with civilization, living like their ancestors did 20,000 years ago—it’s a powerful emotion.

More info: instagram (h/t:, boredpanda)

Brazilian photographer Ricardo Stuckert had his helicopter flight diverted because of a storm…


…but this detour led to a remarkable discovery of a remote rain forest tribe


“To think that in the 21st century, there are still people who have no contact with civilization, living like their ancestors did 20,000 years ago—it’s a powerful emotion”


“These groups change locations every four years or so”


Some tribe members threw spears and fired arrows at the uninvited guests


“They’re messages. Those arrows mean ‘Leave us in peace. Do not disturb’”


“Once their territory is encroached by loggers or prospectors, the isolated groups are finished”


“They could disappear from the face of the Earth, and we wouldn’t even know it”


Because they have not yet made peaceful contact with the outside world, the tribe’s name is still unknown


Brazil’s officials call them simply “isolated Indians of the upper Humaitá”


The encounter took place in the state of Acre, near Brazil’s border with Peru


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Written by viralbandit

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