
Photographer Boris Leist Captures The World’s Most Hardcore Live Action Role Players

German photographer Boris Leist has spent the past four years documenting some of the world’s most dedicated Live Action Role Players. He first learned about the activity while shooting a Renaissance Fair in Norway, where he met a man dressed as a Tolkien-esque dwarf, complete with body armor and weapons. The man was an IT professional by day, but was so dedicated to LARPing that he had enrolled in an evening welding class to learn how to make his armor.

“I was very impressed by how high-quality his costume was,” Leist remembers. “I told myself, I have to learn more about this.”

More info: Boris Leist (h/t: wired)

The post Photographer Boris Leist Captures The World’s Most Hardcore Live Action Role Players appeared first on Design You Trust.

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