
Photographer Makes Outstanding Photos By Giving Mountains Halos With A Drone

Reuben Wu is a Liverpool-born and Chicago-based musician and photographer, and he is the one behind this genius idea to use drones as mountain halos.

Reuben has told Bored Panda that his childhood dream was to have a flying camera to see landscapes from impossible perspectives. His dream came true as he got his first drone in 2014. His work does not only acquire a lot of skill and competence, it also takes at least a day to plan the entire photo shoot. As Reuben says himself “There is a lot of prior research that goes into these pictures. Poring over maps, moon cycles, seasons and tourist flow. I spend the day of the shoot planning compositions, locations, hiking tracks and GPS markers and then wait until sundown before I start shooting. I keep my entire kit portable so I can hike to very remote spots. I never fly when there are other visitors present, it’s important to me that the location is very remote and I am alone to create these pictures.”

The key to a picture like this is, of course, a long exposure to illuminate the landscape, as later Reuben realized he can use the drone and its light in a circular orbit mode around a ‘point of interest’.

Check out his incredible work yourself and make sure to follow Reuben’s Instagram to see his other projects.


Image credits: Reuben Wu

Image credits: Reuben Wu

Image credits: Reuben Wu

Image credits: Reuben Wu

Image credits: Reuben Wu

Image credits: Reuben Wu

Image credits: Reuben Wu

Image credits: Reuben Wu

Image credits: Reuben Wu

Image credits: Reuben Wu

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