
Russian Photographer Captures Stunning Aerial Photos Of The Magic Pink Lagoon In Western Australia


Hutt Lagoon is a pink lake on the west coast near the town of Gregory. This very small town is located on a narrow spit between the ocean and the pink lagoon.

Hutt Lagoon is considered to be a salt lake with a red or pink hue due to the presence of the carotenoid-producing algae Dunaliella salina, a source of ß-carotene, a food-coloring agent and source of vitamin A. The lagoon contains the world’s largest microalgae production plant, a 250-hectare series of artificial ponds used to farm Dunaliella salina.

The images were taken by Kristina Makeeva (previously featured), a photographer from Moscow, Russia.

“I dreamed about the pink lake for a long time, and it turned out to be better than in my dreams. Pools with different shades of red, pink, and sometimes yellow and blue. Pink salt on the shore, which glitters like snow – it all looks like abstractionist paintings in reality. Nature and its colors, in this case, did the magic,” Kristina told Bored Panda.

More: Instagram h/t: boredpanda

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