
Rust In Peace: Soviet-Era Cars Fill Russian Mechanic’s Field


Retro cars owned by retired mechanic Mikhail Krasinets are seen in the tall grass at an open-air museum of Soviet-era vehicles in the village of Chernousovo, Tula region, Russia. Most of the cars in his collection are rusty and dented and parts are strewn among the maze of vehicles on the property. But to Krasinets, they are invaluable relics of the past.

“In Moscow I had trouble storing my equipment”, he said. “I consulted with my wife. We needed to leave and come here to our dacha”.

In the remote village of Chernousovo, retired mechanic Mikhail Krasinets tends to more than 300 ramshackle, Soviet-era cars, remnants of a once vibrant auto industry that crumbled with the fall of the Soviet Union. Over time, his hobby began taking up more and more space and eventually Krasinets was forced to relocate his beloved vintage cars, which included Moskvitch, Volga and other models.

“I’d rather go hungry than sell anything”, he said.

Rust In Peace: Soviet-Era Cars Fill Russian Mechanic’s Field Rust In Peace: Soviet-Era Cars Fill Russian Mechanic’s Field Rust In Peace: Soviet-Era Cars Fill Russian Mechanic’s Field Rust In Peace: Soviet-Era Cars Fill Russian Mechanic’s Field Rust In Peace: Soviet-Era Cars Fill Russian Mechanic’s Field Rust In Peace: Soviet-Era Cars Fill Russian Mechanic’s Field Rust In Peace: Soviet-Era Cars Fill Russian Mechanic’s Field Rust In Peace: Soviet-Era Cars Fill Russian Mechanic’s Field Rust In Peace: Soviet-Era Cars Fill Russian Mechanic’s Field Rust In Peace: Soviet-Era Cars Fill Russian Mechanic’s Field Rust In Peace: Soviet-Era Cars Fill Russian Mechanic’s Field Rust In Peace: Soviet-Era Cars Fill Russian Mechanic’s Field Rust In Peace: Soviet-Era Cars Fill Russian Mechanic’s Field


h/t: DesignYouTrust

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