
Infographic Reveals the Happiness of Remote Workers vs. Office Employees

remote work inforgraphic

As the world grows increasingly mobile, so do careers. Nowadays, it’s common for employees to complete their tasks outside of a traditional office setting without missing a beat. Remote work is definitely here to stay. This cultural shift has advantages for both the employee as well as their employer. Staff members have the ability to work anywhere, while companies get to hire the best person for the job, regardless of where they live.

Although remote work is popular (and seen as a job perk), it’s still relatively new. Is the grass really greener outside of the office? Time-monitoring software called TimeDoctor created an infographic that sheds some light on this lifestyle. They visualized data from TINYpulse, an employee engagement company, who spoke to 509 US employees that “work remotely at all times.” They discussed their experience in the workplace (or in this case, lack of one). “And to put their responses in context,” TINYpulse explained, “we compared them with benchmarks calculated from responses from over 200,000 employees across all work arrangements.”

So, are remote employees happier? In some instances, they are. According to TINYpulse, compared to all workers, those who are remote are generally happier while at work—a large percentage enjoy the freedom that comes with it. Of course, there are some downsides. Because remote work typically lacks the day-to-day interactions found in an office, employees can feel less valued and less satisfied with their coworker relationships. What’s clear is that as more people continue to work outside of cubicles, there are unique challenges to overcome.

Do you work remotely? What do you think of this report?

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remote work infographic
remote work infographic
remote work infographic
remote work infographic
remote work infographic
remote work infographic

TimeDoctor: Website
h/t: [Design TAXI]

All images via TimeDoctor.

The post Infographic Reveals the Happiness of Remote Workers vs. Office Employees appeared first on My Modern Met.

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