
Modular Pet Furniture Turns Living Room Walls into Cat Playgrounds


If you have a house cat, you know how important it is to keep them active and entertained. Sometimes our feline friends need more than standard cat trees and toy mice. That’s why Mike Wilson and Megan Hanneman of Catastrophic Creations create handcrafted wall-mounted systems designed to engage with felines’ playful instincts. Each piece is modular, meaning there are unlimited configurations to these one-of-a-kind jungle gyms.

Wilson and Hanneman started building their cat furniture 6 years ago, when they adopted a high-energy desert lynx kitten named Ickle. Despite being extremely cute, their new family member cried constantly and, just like all kittens, he was extremely active and started getting up to mischief. “One morning we woke up and stumbled into the living room. To our surprise, our new baby kitten had gotten into my tool box and taken apart our couch and rebuilt it into a cat bridge,” Hanneman jokes. “After that we thought, ‘Bingo,’ we’ll lock him in a room and start selling all of his creations on Etsy.”

If the Catastrophic Creations Instagram photos are anything to go by, their designs certainly provide endless entertainment for cats of all ages. The company’s kitty clients are captured running along cat bridges, climbing up cat trees, and when they’re all tuckered out, napping in cat-sized hammocks.

You can buy everything you need to build your custom cat playground on the Catastrophic Creations Etsy shop.

Catastrophic Creations create handcrafted wall-mounted systems designed to engage with felines’ playful instincts.

Each piece is modular, meaning there’s unlimited configurations to these one-of-a-kind jungle gyms.

Cats clearly love these fantastic indoor playgrounds.

Catastrophic Creations: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Etsy
h/t: [Colossal]

All images via Catastrophic Creations.

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