
Real-Life Von Trapp Family Sing ‘Edelweiss’ From ‘the Sound of Music’


The hills are alive all over again with a new generation of singing von Trapps. The original Austrian household of Georg and Maria von Trapp—whose story encouraged the Broadway musical and later the movie The Audio of Audio—have handed down their musical talents to their wonderful-grandchildren: Sofia, Melanie, Amanda, and August von Trapp. The four siblings were being recorded singing “Edelweiss,” one of the famous tracks from composers Richard Rogers and Oscar Hammerstein II’s 1959 musical.

The 12 unique von Trapp family customers were being all gifted singers and received recognition in their native Austria soon after World War I. Throughout Entire world War II, they escaped to the U.S. and famously became acknowledged as the Trapp Family members Singers. The tune “Edelweiss” was centered on their immigration tale. It was prepared for the character of Captain Georg von Trapp who, in the Broadway musical, sings it with his loved ones as a goodbye to his homeland.

Recorded in 2013, the fourth-era von Trapps breathe new lifestyle into the legendary “Edelweiss” tune by singing it in lovely harmonies. Sofia, Melanie, Amanda, and August formed a music group called The von Trapps in 2001, and they performed jointly for extra than a ten years. Right now, they’re just about every pursuing professions outside of audio, but it is obvious to see how substantially they really like to sing with each other.

Test out the movie down below.

Enjoy the serious-everyday living von Trapp relatives sing “Edelweiss,” 1 of the popular music from The Sound of Songs. at?v=tEjLS0OHWnQ

h/t: [ClassicFM]

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