
Powerful Series Of Disney Princesses Meeting Real Life Problems Like Drugs, Alcohol, Rape

We’ve become used to seeing Disney princesses as symbols of purity, beauty, and feel-good emotions. But what if they ever got into the real world with all of its violence, drugs, sex trafficking and all the other horrible stuff we see on the daily news?

That’s what a Philadelphia-based photographer Shannon Dermody set up to explore in her latest photo series featuring Disney princesses dealing with drugs, alcohol, domestic violence, rape, sex trafficking and all the darkest aspects of our reality.

The photographer is seeking to raise awareness about the real-world problems by taking us out of our comfort zone and talking about dramatic living conditions many people around the world face every day. Just be warned that some of the photos are quite graphic.

More info: shannon dermody | facebook (h/t: ufunk)

#1 Domestic Violence

#2 Alcoholism

#3 Rape

#4 Pollution

#5 Heroin

#6 Sex Trafficking

#7 Police Brutality

#8 Tobacco

#9 Suicide

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Written by viralbandit

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