
Sundrenched Scenes From Antonio Privitera

Raised in the Sicilian capital Siracusa, and today residing in Rome, Antonio Privitera’s creative oeuvre spans film direction, script writing, and photography. His work looks at ways of  splitting the path of reality—his photographs seeking to capture what he calls the “other face of the same coin.” In the series La Nostalgia, his black and white photographs take us closer to ourselves. Privitera explains, “I developed the story between the sea and the people, without rules or purpose, just with the desire to be free… I tried to interpret the boundaries of the genres, walking between the edges: street photography and fine art, documentary and conceptual.” The images appear in pairs—creating a visual bridge between the lonely photographs and, what Privitera calls, the fleshy diptychs. Erasing solitude by uniting the unrelated pairs aesthetically, and ensuring a sense of nostalgia for long days spent in the sun.

All images © Antonio Privitera

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